[digital.global] im Dialog

The [digital.global] network brings together more than 100 stakeholders from politics, the private sector, civil society and academia in Germany, our partner countries and our multilateral partner system.

As a platform for all stakeholders driving a socio-ecological and feminist digital transformation, the network thrives on its strong partnerships and continuous exchange. Its aim is to harness the innovative power of the digital economy for development policy goals by responding to the needs of partner countries. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is in constant dialogue with its initiatives and partners to adapt technical and financial cooperation to the constantly changing challenges of the ongoing digital transformation in all areas of life.

Digital Summit 2024

Under the theme ‘Digital Germany – Innovative. Sovereign. International’, this year’s Digital…

2024 International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief

Hamburg Sustainability Conference

Panel Discussion: “Responsible AI for Sustainable Development” In a rapidly changing…

Panel Discussion: Ethical Data Practices for Fair Labor and Sustainable Business Models

GovStack at the Global DPI Summit

The Global DPI Summit in Cairo, Egypt, is an…

  • KOFISI Hotel Nairobi, Kenya
    12:00 - 14:45 CEST

    Africa Climate Summit side event: Investing in the Digital and Green Transformation – Launch of the Green Data Centres Guide

    A key objective of this session is to discuss the urgent need to enhance the sustainability of the digital sector and leverage digital innovations for climate action. The session will present newly developed the Green Data Centre investment guidelines developed jointly by the World Bank and ITU with the support from the BMZ/GIZ Global Digital Transformation program. Furthermore, the session will include a panel to discuss the opportunities and challenges to enhance investments in sustainable digital and green infrastructure.

    Specific objectives include

    • Share the guide’s findings and initiate a debate on the enablers, barriers, and quality aspects of promoting green data centres in Africa and beyond.
    • Create awareness about the report’s findings and highlight the importance of adopting environmentally sustainable practices in the data centre industry
    • Engaging stakeholders from various sectors, including government representatives, industry experts, and environmental organizations, the discussion

    Speakers: John Tanui Permanent Secretary, MoICT, Kenya, Golestan Rawan, Chief Digital Technology Officer, UNEP, Thelma Quaye, Director of Digital Infrastructure, Smart Africa, Bodo Immink, Country Director, GIZ Kenya, Sara Ballan, Senior Digital Specialist, World Bank, Dan Kwach, MD East Africa for Africa Data Centers Association, Nkem Onwuamgegbu, Africa Director MIGA, Lucas Amollo, Manager, ICT and Smart City Solutions, KONZA, Osman Issah, Manager, Resilient and Inclusive Digital Infrastructure, Smart Africa, Aida Ndiaye, Senior Digital Program Leader, East Africa, AFD


  • Kenyatta International Convention Centre, Nairobi, Kenya
    16:00 - 17:00 CEST

    Africa Climate Summit Side Event: Roundtable on Fostering Investments in Green and Secure Data Infrastructure in Africa

    This official side event of the Kenyan government is hosted by the Permanent Secretary, MoICT.

    The main objective of the round is to bring together partner countries (Kenya, South Africa), the EU, Development Finance institutions (World Bank, EIB, AFDB) and international donors (BMZ, MFA Finland) to discuss opportunities, mechanisms, and challenges on how to accelerate investments into sustainable and secure data and digital infrastructure in Africa bases on the European Union’s Global Gateway Strategy. A specific objective is to seek alignment amongst key stakeholders such as African governments, public and private project promoters, and Development Finance Institutions to foster impact-driven investments in trusted and sustainable data and digital infrastructure in Africa.

    The panel will address these key issues:

    • What are the main reasons for the current underinvestment in sustainable digital infrastructure like data centres in the Africa region?
    • What role do government regulations and incentives play in boosting investments into green and secure data infrastructure to support local economic and social development?
    • What opportunities and risks do green and secure data centres offer for sustainable development and technology adoption in Africa?
    • How can International and European Development Finance Institutions collaborate on co-investment programs that share risks and pool funding for achieving increased impact?
    • How can the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+) and other financing mechanisms be leveraged to attract private investments for green and secure data centre projects?
    • What steps can enhance the access to finance for infrastructure promoters in the region?
    • How can African partners leverage technical cooperation with international partners?
    • How shall capacity building initiatives be designed to support the growth of local stakeholders and a workforce with expertise in green and secure data centre regulations and technologies?

    Moderation: Thelma Quaye, Director of Digital Infrastructure, Smart Africa

    Speakers: Dr. Heike Hamgart, Managing Director EBRD, Pasi Hellman, Under-Secretary of State, MFA Finland, Wendy Hughes, Senior Regional Director, Infrastructure Department, Africa World Bank, Carla Montesi, Director, Twin Transition, DG INTPA, John Tanui Permanent Secretary, MoICT, Kenya, Nicolas Williams, Director Digital Infrastructure, AFDB, Christian Elias, Head of Unit Public Sector, East Africa and Southern Africa EIB, Philipp Knill, BMZ

  • KOFISI Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
    10:00 - 11:30 CEST

    Charting the pathway towards an inclusive green transition (in the margins of the Africa Climate Summit)

    From 4th to 6th September 2023, the Africa Climate Summit (ACS) will take place in Nairobi, Kenya. This year, the summit is themed “Driving Green Growth & Climate Finance Solutions for Africa and the World”. In the context of ACS, the #SmartDevelopmentFund, a GIZ project co-funded by the EU and the BMZ, will host an interactive event entitled “Charting the pathway towards an inclusive green transition”.

    The event will include a panel discussion, bringing together leading experts from the digital and green spheres, to explore the unique role of local digital innovations in advancing climate action. The event will also involve the announcement of the Digital and Green Innovation (DGIx), an acceleration programme that aims to identify, refine, and scale unique solutions that leverage digital transformation and local expertise in tackling pressing climate challenges. Find out more about the DGIx programme by attending our event on site or online.


    • Alessandra Sgobbi, Head of Unit for Climate Finance in DG CLIMA
    • Amel Makhlouf UN/EU International Expert, Climate, Climate Finance, Sustainable Development
    • Taha Bawa CEO & Co-founder of Goodwall
    • Fatou Jeng Youth Climate Advisor to the United Nations Secretary General (YAG)
    • Sheilah Birgen Entrepreneur and Ecosystem and Community Builder

    Moderation: Kudzai Mubaiwa Board Treasurer – AfriLabs

    The onsite and online access to the event is free of charge.

    Join here More Information

  • Tallinn, Estonia

    Tallinn Digital Summit

    The Tallinn Digital Summit 2023 took place on 05 September at the Tallinn Creative Hub, both on-site and digitally. The event was organised by Prime Minister Kaja Kallas with the participation of the Ministry of Economy and Communications, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government Office of Estonia. Under the motto “Refreshing the agenda of democracy and technology”, the aim of the summit was to facilitate an exchange between leading actors in the digital world on the opportunities and challenges of digitalisation for resilient, responsive and open governance. In total, representatives from over 70 countries – including eight heads of state and government as well as EU Commissioner Thierry Breton – took part. A special focus was on the digital transformation of the public sector and the potential of digital public infrastructure (DPI) and goods (DPG), involving business, academia and civil society. Against this background, the Tallinn Digital Summit was a key forum and partner meeting for the GovStack initiative in particular. The BMZ and German development cooperation were represented in three sessions and eight bilateral and multilateral meetings on site.

    Katharina Mänz, Deputy Head of the Digitalisation Unit at BMZ, moderated the GovStack Side Event Panel “Global momentum fpr DPI and DPG in digital cooperation”, which presented the current era of growing interest in digital public infrastructure and digital public goods. Christopher Burns, Chief Digital Development Officer and Director for Technology, USAID and Hoa-Binh Adjemian, Deputy Head of Unit – “An economy that works for people, green, digital and connected”, DG NEAR participated.

    Following the panel, the first cohort of the GovStack Women in GovTech Challenge was welcomed. For this feminist digital policy joint action, 215 women from digital government worldwide have applied to participate since the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2023. The best projects will be presented at WSIS 2024.

    Katharina Mänz presented the initiative together with Nele Leosk, Assistant Ambassador for Digital Affairs, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Doreen Bogdan-Martin (ITU).

    The panel was moderated by Yolanda Martinez (ITU).


  • Recap: Digital Innovation and Pandemic Control (DIPC) – policy initiative 2023 in review

    Re:publica 23: Equal, Digital, and Effective: Funding Digital Public Goods in the Health Space

    On June 6, 2023, the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) jointly organized a panel discussion at Re:publica 2023 in Berlin, titled “Equal, Digital, and Effective: Funding Digital Public Goods in the Health Space”. The panel aimed to address the challenges and opportunities associated with funding digital public goods in the health sector, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, in light of the pandemic’s impact. Experts from organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA), UNICEF, and GIZ participated in discussions that revolved around reimagining global public goods and promoting private sector involvement and partnerships in advancing accessibility and innovation in digital health solutions.

    Image 1/4
    Image 2/4: re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Equal, digital and effective – funding digital public goods in the health space /// Speaker: Karin Källander, Samuel Kamau Mbuthia, Lea Gimpel, Tessa Lennemann — Die re:publica findet vom 05. bis 07. Juni 2023 in der Arena Berlin und dem Festsaal Kreuzberg statt. Das Festival für die digitale Gesellschaft steht in diesem Jahr unter dem Motto „CASH“. Berlin, 06.06.2023 Foto: Jan Zappner/re:publica
    Image 3/4: re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Equal, digital and effective – funding digital public goods in the health space /// Speaker: Karin Källander, Samuel Kamau Mbuthia, Lea Gimpel, Tessa Lennemann — Die re:publica findet vom 05. bis 07. Juni 2023 in der Arena Berlin und dem Festsaal Kreuzberg statt. Das Festival für die digitale Gesellschaft steht in diesem Jahr unter dem Motto „CASH“. Berlin, 06.06.2023 Foto: Jan Zappner/re:publica
    Image 4/4: re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Equal, digital and effective – funding digital public goods in the health space /// Speaker: Karin Källander, Samuel Kamau Mbuthia, Lea Gimpel, Tessa Lennemann — Die re:publica findet vom 05. bis 07. Juni 2023 in der Arena Berlin und dem Festsaal Kreuzberg statt. Das Festival für die digitale Gesellschaft steht in diesem Jahr unter dem Motto „CASH“. Berlin, 06.06.2023 Foto: Jan Zappner/re:publica
    Ghana: Charting Data Flows for better collaboration – Interoperability workshop in Ghana

    The DIPC project, in collaboration with its implementing partner Digital Square, partnered with the Ghana Health Service (GHS) to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing systems and workflows within Ghana’s immunization health sector. This included a multifaceted approach, including a desk review, consultations with ministry officials, and an inclusive online survey covering all 16 regions of the country. The exercise also included input from end users, particularly regional health managers, who highlighted the need for enhanced features and interventions. Notably, data exchange among systems emerged as the most commonly requested improvement during this ecosystem mapping initiative.

    Malawi: vaccine delivery 2.0 – kicking off digitalization of vaccine delivery in Malawi

    In February, officials from the Malawi Ministry of Health Digital Health Unit held a meeting with members of DIPC project to inaugurate the project in Malawi. DIPC intends to develop a better and enduring pandemic-prepared health systems by enhancing the immunization workflows. The DIPC project works closely with the Malawi´s Digital Health Unit to create documentation to support the country better understand the tools best designed to exchange data to meet their needs in the immunization health domain and aligning activities with the Digital Health Strategy of Malawi.

    Peru: Mapping the digital health ecosystem for better use of health data

    The Data Ecosystem Mapping workshop aimed to bring together various stakeholders from the public and private sectors in Peru, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Health (MINSA), the Data4Policy initiative, and GIZ’s Digital Innovation in Pandemic Control (DIPC), in partnership with the Open Data Institute (ODI). During the event, successful experiences of Data4Policy in the health context were shared, and it was analyzed how the ODI could contribute to strengthening the health data ecosystem in Peru. Through group work sessions, the participants identified areas for improvement and proposed concrete recommendations to optimize the distribution of vaccines in the country. The result was a collaboration that laid the foundations for improving vaccine delivery and promoting data sharing in the process.

    Tanzania: Electronic Immunization Systems – Mapping the need for nationwide input

    The process of gathering information to understand the different systems within the digital health landscape used to support immunization services initiated. Different stakeholders came together to collect and analyze relevant information and support the system selection within the project. The agreement was made thereafter to support the immunization system known as TiMR, which is being used by Ministry of Health (MoH). The system’s current gaps were subsequently addressed in a workshop held in Arusha. After the workshop to validate the system requirement as provided by MoH and to localize the immunization Digital Adaptation Kit (DAK), the plan has been submitted to the MoH and awaits approval.


    Sierra Leone: National Digital Health Investment roadmap

    The National Digital Health Investment roadmap is a crucial tool in Sierra Leone’s efforts to realize the objectives set out in the National Digital Health Strategy, with the overarching goal of advancing Universal Health Coverage.

    This roadmap tackles challenges related to fragmented digital health initiatives, emphasizing coordinated and prioritized actions. It underscores the country’s existing commitment to digital health, highlighting strengths such as political support, governance structures, and current digital health projects and infrastructure, while also identifying gaps in areas like governance, regulation, funding, infrastructure, and health workforce digital literacy.

    To address these gaps, stakeholders have collaboratively proposed recommendations integrated into a Result-Based Management framework. Innovative funding mechanisms, including budget allocations and public-private partnerships, are suggested to finance the plan, while clear roles for institutions, donors, and partners are defined to ensure effective implementation. The roadmap includes robust Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms to monitor progress, and it recognizes the importance of ongoing coordination and sustainable funding for driving digital health innovation, particularly in areas like vaccine logistics, to enhance overall health outcomes in Sierra Leone.

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    Mexico: Regional Forum on Digital Transformation

    The Regional Forum on Digital Transformation in Mexico City, organized by GIZ, convened international leaders and experts to explore the significance of digital transformation. Within this framework, DIPC hosted four panel discussions centered on digital health, highlighting how technology and data utilization can enhance global health security, bridge service gaps, and tackle unforeseen challenges.

    The sessions covered various aspects, including the pivotal role of digital solutions in pandemic response, the challenges of integrating these tools into existing healthcare ecosystems, the imperative of training healthcare professionals in digital tools, the implementation of WHO SMART guidelines in Latin America for standardized digital healthcare solutions, and the critical need for interoperability and secure cross-border health data exchange through standardized formats and protocols. Collectively, these discussions underscored the global importance of digital health, promoting the integration of digital solutions into healthcare systems to strengthen healthcare sectors and safeguard the well-being of populations worldwide.

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  • UNESCO, 7 Place Fontenoy, Paris, Île-de-France, Frankreich

    UNESCO Digital Learning Week

    The Digital Learning Week is the rebranding of the decade-long UNESCO Mobile Learning Week and will serve as the new UNESCO annual flagship event on digital learning to steer the human-centred digital transformation of education. It aims to convene in-person events to reassemble the global community of policy-makers, practitioners, educators, private sector partners, researchers and development agencies to jointly respond to the new dynamic around digital learning.

    The inaugural edition of Digital Learning Week will look closely at public digital learning platforms and generative AI, examining how both can be steered to reinforce and enrich humanistic education.

    atingi, the digital learning platform of the BMZ, will be presented in the breakout session 3.2 “Promoting inclusion and gender equality in the use of platforms for education” with the lecture “Empowering marginalized communities through inclusive EdTech for public good”. atingi will present implemented inclusive EdTech initiatives such as the atingi IVR solution in Benin and the Fempreneurship project in Togo.

    The event will take place in-person at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. To ensure maximum reach and inclusivity, the plenary sessions, panel discussions and public lecture will be livestreamed, and interpretation will be provided in English and French. Please note that the atingi session will not be livestreamed.

    Register here More Information

  • Telekom Capital Branch Office, Berlin

    Berlin Startupnight: What does it take to become a Unicorn in Europe and the Global South?

    Entrepreneurs from developing countries are among the most creative, resilient and resourceful founders in the world. In many ways, their experiences are similar to those of their counterparts in Europe and the United States. Some things, however, are remarkably different. At Startupnight Berlin on September 1st, they told their own stories – from dynamic newbies to established founders. At the invitation of the [digital.global] network of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, startups from Africa, Asia and Latin America came to Berlin to present the startup scenes of their countries to us.

    The event concluded with the [digital.global] network’s panel, “What does it take to become a Unicorn in the Global South?”

    After a welcome by Martin Wimmer, CDO BMZ, Dr. Wolfgang Gründiger, Chief Digital Evangelist of Enpal, a solar energy company based in Berlin, provided the perspective of a German Unicorn. The perspectives of innovative startups from the Global South were conveyed by five young tech founders* from Asia, Africa and Latin America in short pitches of their business models, ranging from agricultural technology to IoT and AI applications.

    These successful tech entrepreneurs* shared their journey to success:

    • Neamat El Tazi, COO and founder of agritech startup Abu Erdan
    • Francis Dossou Sognon, CEO and founder of agritech startup AgroSfer
    • Hoang Mingh Nguyen, CEO and founder of automation startup IoTeamVN
    • Liisa Smits, CEO and founder of weather forecasting startup Ignitia
    • Kizito Odhiambo, founder and CEO of agritech/fintech startup Agribora
    • Jaroslaw Krasnodebski, Head of Business Development at VR/ EduTech- startup Dig In Vision, supported by a video message from Jane Muighai Kamphuis, Director and Founder of the Toolkit Foundation as partner of the Make IT Alliance.

    The livestream of the event is available on the Startupnight YouTube channel from hour 04:00.

    GO TO Panel

  • Indien, Bangalore

    Recap: Meeting of the Ministers of Digital Affairs

    G20 Digital Ministers met on 19 August 2023, at Bengaluru, India and released a joint outcome document as the culmination point of four previous Working Group Meetings and many months of exchange between country delegates. In the joint outcome document the Ministers highlighted the great potential that foundational digital systems such as for identification of citizens or payments have especially for low- and middle-income countries. They committed to principles that such systems that will shape entire societies should be governed in a way that promotes inclusion and competition and individual empowerment. They also stressed the value of sharing existing systems and experiences between countries.

    Finally, they highlighted the importance of coordinated action to support low-income countries in taking advantages of these important technologies in their fight for poverty reduction and shared prosperity.

  • BMZ, Berlin

    Recap: BMZ Open Day

    Tag der offenen Tuer im BMZ, Berlin, 19.08.2023. © copyright Ute Grabowsky/Photothek.net
    Tag der offenen Tuer im BMZ, Berlin, 19.08.2023. © copyright Ute Grabowsky/Photothek.net
    Tag der offenen Tuer im BMZ, Berlin, 19.08.2023. © copyright Ute Grabowsky/Photothek.net

    On 08/19/2023 the Federal Government’s Open Day offered the opportunity to take a look “behind the scenes of politics”. GIZ and BMZ presented the Gig Economy Initiative and atingi of the [digital.global] network with a photo exhibition that provides insights into the lives of platform workers as well as the techDetector of GIZ.

  • Virtual event
    11:00 - 13:00 CEST

    Webinar: Digital Labour Platforms on the African Continent

    Jimnah Mungai, a plumber working for Fundis, arrives to the house of a customer in Nairobi, Kenya, on December 28, 2022.

    Limits and opportunities of competition law in protecting gig workers – part five of the Policy Roundtable Series.

    Our Gig Economy Initiative hosted another event in the Gig Economy Webinar Series. The fifth roundtable on July 26 focused on the intersection of antitrust laws and digital labor platforms on the African continent.

    Concerns about working conditions on digital labor platforms have recently led to numerous protests, while the increasing market dominance of certain platforms results in economic dependency of workers that makes them vulnerable to exploitation. If the rapid growth of these digital labor platforms initially presents opportunities for the continent, the question is what impact this will have on future innovation, market entry, and access to good jobs in the African market in the absence of regulation.

    The event brought together experts from across the continent to explore the characteristics of the existing digital labor platform market, the impact of the dominant platform players , and the competitive challenges posed by the current system.


    • Maria-José Schmidt-Kessen, Assistant Professor, CEU
    • Bonnita Nyamwire, Head of Research, Pollicy Uganda
    • Florence Abebe, Chief Legal Officer, Federal Competition
      & Consumer Protection Commission Authority Nigeria


    • Vellah Kigwiru, Doctoral Fellow, Hochschule für Politik, TUM

    The event served as a valuable complement to the competition module authored by Vellah Kigwiru, which is part of our comprehensive 8-module online course, The Rise and Economics of Digital Labor Platforms, on the rise and economics of digital labor platforms.

    More Information


  • Dakar, Senegal

    Recap: Launch of the Senegalese data strategy

    As part of the Senegalese Digital Strategy 2025 (SN2025) and in partnership with Smart Africa and GIZ through its Data Economy Initiative, the Ministry of Communications, Telecommunications and Digital Economy (MCTEN) presented the conclusions and full report of the National Data Strategy, in line with the country’s priorities in terms of sustainable development, promotion of innovation and value creation, but especially digital sovereignty.

    The process, launched in March as part of an inclusive and participatory approach, has involved all actors in the digital ecosystem and has resulted in a comprehensive document on the National Data Strategy for Senegal, which is in line with the country’s priorities in terms of sustainable development, promoting innovation and value creation, and above all digital sovereignty. The strategy fits perfectly with the Adjusted and Accelerated Priority Action Plan (PAP2A) guidelines set out in the Digital Senegal Strategy with the vision of “Making data a driver of socio-economic growth, inclusiveness, innovation and international openness by 2028.” In order to achieve the set goals by 2028, 59 key actions have been identified to be implemented. The ceremony was also an opportunity to share the results of the strategy development project with the entire digital ecosystem and solicit their feedback and recommendation.

    “In an expanding digital world, data is of paramount importance. It is the fuel that drives the digital transformation of our countries. It plays an essential role in informed decision-making, innovation, industrial development and sustainable economic growth. Today, we are committed to using this data intelligently while maintaining its security and integrity,” said Moussa Bocar Thiam, Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Digital Economy.

    Lacina Koné, CEO of Smart Africa , commented on the successful official presentation ceremony as follows: “Senegal has reached a new milestone today by laying the foundation for its data management with this national data strategy. We are very pleased to have supported the Senegalese government in this process and look forward to its successful implementation.”

    “GIZ’s Data Economy program, with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Commission, is very pleased to support the Senegalese government in the development of its national data economy strategy. The rise of the data economy is at the heart of digital transformation. We believe that the strategic use of data is a key enabler for a sustainable, people-centric digital transformation. The National Data Economy Strategy creates an enabling environment for an inclusive digital transformation that promotes open innovation and entrepreneurship and focuses on improving people’s well-being,” added Bjorn-Soren Gigler, PhD, head of the Data Economy Initiative.

  • Virtual event
    16:00 - 18:30 CEST

    atingi Launch: Open Source IVR Solution for Digital and Inclusive Education

    ©CoC Solutions

    As part of the atingi ecosystem, the atingi4Ag project in Benin developed an open-source Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solution to make digital learning more accessible and inclusive. Working with three local farmers’ associations, the Benin Ministry of Digitalization, and the Benin Ministry of Agriculture, the team developed a training solution to deliver learning content to 90,000 farmers and small businesses, accessible through basic cell phones or smartphones. In addition to developing the technical solution, the project partnered with local telecommunications provider Moov Africa to provide SIM cards and discounted rates for calls to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) courses. The IVR learning campaign was launched and handed over to partners on July 21, 2023 at the Moov Africa conference room in Cotonou, Benin.

    more information

  • 16:00 - 17:30 CEST

    Launch Event: ‘Fairwork Cloudwork Ratings 2023’ report

    On July 20, the Fairwork report: “Work in the Planetary Labour Market: Fairwork Cloudwork Ratings 2023” was released. The study evaluates and grades basic fairness standards in labor agreements on 15 web-based digital labour platforms according to the five Fairwork principles:
    Fair pay, conditions, contracts, management, and representation.

    This year’s scores show that platforms are still far from safeguarding the basic standards of fair work expressed in these five principles. The research has revealed the precarious conditions for workers active in microwork platforms that provide services such as data annotation and labelling, video scoring and model evaluation to artificial intelligence (AI) companies. While the run for AI deployments gets public hype and momentum, workers behind the design, building and testing of these technological solutions, unfortunately, still face enormous challenges and experience unfair working conditions.

    The launch event explored the key findings of the report in more depth, highlighted the implications for workers and the digital economy, and discussed the way forward to achieve minimum standards for fair work in the platform-based labor market. Prof. Mark Graham, Director of Fairwork and the lead researcher of the report, Dr. Jonas Valente presented the key findings.


    • Dr Janine Berg, Senior Economist, International Labour Organization
    • Esther Gathigi-Kibugi, Country Director, DOT Kenya

    The full report can be viewed here.

    More Information


  • Berlin

    Workshop of the AI Observatory of the BMAS

    In the workshop, representatives of the BMZ, BMAS and BMWK developed a joint narrative on the priority areas of sustainability/transformation and health. The goals of the workshop were networking and exchange among those responsible for the measures as well as the identification of cooperation potentials.

  • Virtual Event
    12:00 - 13:00 CEST

    Panel Discussion before EU-CELAC Summit: Steering an Inclusive Twin Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean

    The third EU-CELAC Summit took place in Brussels on July 17 and 18, 2023. Under the motto “Renewing the bi-regional partnership to strengthen peace and sustainable development”, the summit brought together heads of state and government from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean to renew and strengthen relations between the two regions.

    In preparation, the EU-LAC International Foundation was organizing several thematic EU-LAC forums aimed at bringing together relevant social actors, policy makers and institutions to discuss challenges and opportunities for the strategic partnership between the EU and Latin America/Caribbean.

    On July 14, a virtual panel discussion on Twin Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean – Youth and Women’s Perspectives on Green and Digital Transformation was held in advance of the Summit.

    Panel Discussion has included:

    • Insight into the perspectives of women and youth on inclusion in the digital green transformation.
    • Appreciation of the commitment of the EU and partners in EU member states to collaborate and use digital innovation to address global challenges, including the climate crisis
    • Opportunity for innovators from the Latin American and Caribbean region, especially women, youth, and marginalized communities, to present their idea at an international competition and receive support for its implementation, in the region and globally.
    • Focusing on women, youth and marginalized communities, innovators* from Latin America and the Caribbean will be offered the opportunity to present their ideas for an international competition, gaining support for potential scale-up at regional and global levels.