• 01/12/2022
  • 14:00 - 16:30 CET
  • Station, Berlin

[digital.global] Launch
Kick-off event for the strategic realignment of BMZ’s digital policy

In its national digital strategy, the German government has decided to present a strategy for an international digital policy for the first time.

For Germany and the EU, the implementation of a socio-ecological-feminist transformation of global economic systems toward resilient structures, which is essential in the global competition of systems in view of the turn of the millennium, can only succeed if we continue to support our partners in the Global South in their efforts to sustainably transform themselves digitally in the fight against hunger/poverty, pandemics, climate change and discrimination against women.

Minister Svenja Schulze therefore invited a broad network of international partners from the digital scene and ICT industry to the kick-off event for the strategic realignment of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (BMZ) digital policy.

Around 240 selected representatives from the digital scene, ICT sector, science, civil society and politics attended the event as an audience. In addition, a large circle of all relevant BMZ networks (Make IT Alliance, GIZ Business Forum, digilab, Strategic Partnership Technology Africa SPTA, participants of the transformation forums incl. DOs, NGOs, departments, etc.) participated virtually.

After the actual event and the launch of the network, the participants got to talk with the BMZ, the keynote speakers and the other participants about the digital reorientation of the BMZ in the context of four Open Spaces on the leadership priorities (Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences, poverty and hunger, Just Transition and feminist development policy).


2:00 p.m. – Launch of the new network [digital.global] with Federal Minister Svenja Schulze, presentation of first initiatives.

5:15 p.m. – Followed by exclusive dialogue and networking event for invited participants