
Tanzania: Social marketing for condoms and other family planning products, information on HIV, HIV-WPPs in the public sector with financial support from SULGO. All employees are active members of CHF. Collaboration with partners to support hospital quality circles and joint planning. Financial support from KfW.

DIPC is funded by the German Federal ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented in Ghana, Tanzania and Malawi through GIZ in collaboration with DigitalSquare/- Path and the local governments. The project seeks to integrate digital solutions at scale to support pandemic control, with a focus on vaccine logistics. 

Background on Tanzania

Tanzania is a country in East Africa that has made significant strides in developing its digital health landscape. The government has invested in ICT infrastructure and expanded internet access to rural areas. Tanzania’s National eHealth Strategy outlines the country’s vision and roadmap for digital health implementation. Mobile health (mHealth) initiatives, such as the Mobile Afya Program, are a key component of Tanzania’s digital health landscape. 
Health information systems, including the District Health Information System DHIS2) and electronic medical records (EMRs e.g., GoTHOMIS for PHC facilities and AfyaCare for regional and referral hospital), have been implemented. 
Tanzania’s digital health landscape is characterized by public-private partnerships. However, there are still challenges, including limited digital health literacy, top-down supervision on the importance of using digital platforms, inadequate funding, data security and protection, and poor infrastructure in some areas.