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More and more people around the world are leaving their countries of origin. There are many reasons for this, but a lack of prospects often plays a major role. Many people would like to stay in their country of origin or return there and start anew. Comprehensive advice on the possibilities, as well as on sustainable reintegration after return, helps people to make a conscious and informed decision to do so.
Together with national partners, PME operates counseling centers in twelve countries. In addition to returnees from Germany and third countries, the centers also target internally displaced persons and the local population. Their goal is to help people improve their chances on the labor market. To this end, they provide advice on local social and professional prospects and refer interested parties to training courses, vocational qualifications and psychosocial support services. We want to make these proven services accessible to more people – digitally and inclusively.
Our project goals
1) Increase reach and diversity of offerings
Together with the learning software atingi, we are developing a web-based training to support clients in building an online presence for marketing and sales. The course development will take place between January and March 2023 and will initially focus on Ghana.
2) Develop sound recommendations for virtual job fairs.
In April 2023, we will attend a virtual job fair in Serbia. In addition, we systematically work up the experiences of past virtual and hybrid fairs. For this purpose, we conduct surveys until April 2023 and compile the results. This will enable us to make recommendations for future job fairs and share our learning experiences with partners.
Local pilot projects are currently being launched in Ghana and Serbia for both goals. Here, we are testing and evaluating how effective synergies can be created by incorporating local conditions in order to address existing needs with digital solutions. In various agile workshops, BMZ digilab and PME worked with local partners to develop use-oriented scaling concepts for concrete digital solutions (online trainings and support of a virtual job fair).