betterplace lab

At a glance

The betterplace lab is a digital-social think-and-do tank from Berlin. It conducts research and experiments in innovative projects with the aim of ensuring that digitalisation benefits the common good. As a bridge builder between sectors, it looks at the social potential of digital transformation, always with a view towards helping to shape the fair and sustainable world of tomorrow.

In action

The betterplace lab is the driving force behind the innovative and social use of digitalisation in a number of projects and collaborations. As a partner with a content and concept focus, the betterplace lab is heavily involved in the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development’s (BMZ) website.

In addition, the betterplace lab recently collaborated with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to publish the third volume of the Digital Innovation Made in Africa publication series.

The catalogue highlights the work of companies on the African continent as part of the BMZ’s Make-It in Africa programme. It contains reports from over 20 female entrepreneurs from Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Tunisia and Uganda who have successfully founded a technology company in Africa despite the numerous challenges.